Monday, November 18, 2013

What Is New!

Elleyanna Aubree Moore
8lbs 2oz and 19 1/2 inches long...

New life:  We welcomed a new love to our family this month, above is the beautiful
Ms Elleyanna  My  sister  blessed  me  by  asking  me  to  be  in  the  room  with  her  during
the C-section and this has made me closer then ever to my sister. I'm in love with God's
blessing, Her smile lights a room!

What's to come:  My husband got moved to another tow boat this trip, He is looking
to make 2nd mate and tanker-man.... We are praying for the right path to take being this
job or finally coming home to stay with his family..

Happening with the kid's:  Daniel is making straight B's in all classes we are so proud!
Gladys started practice for the new Christmas play.... and Josie  is spelling 14 sight word's
and November, which is her birthday month....
(We are very proud of our children all so different and sweet)

Something new for me: I'm in a new place in life, look forward and working on a
big dream! I'm praying so hard for this! I'm trusting God fully and will be excited in whatever

School is going great, four more years of hard work and I shall be walking down
getting my degree and it gives me so much pride to be doing this while having a family,
I want to inspire a single mother or father to follower their dreams, work hard it's worth every

Christmas is coming up soon, I wanted to show the kid's it wasn't about what they got and how much it cost....... I took them to Wal-Mart handed them each $20 and told them to buy what ever they wanted... I told them that make it good cause there is something big taking place afterwards,
As we paid, we went outside toward the van drove to the local abuse center for children,
I asked the kid's to get there gifts and take them in the center and donate them..
surprising all three of them didn't through a fit or question my idea they did it with smiles..
My oldest Daniel said " that felt even better then keeping it"
WOW!!! I'm so proud!!!
Oh to let you in on my plan everything the picked out last week will be under the tree for them!:)
Have a blessed Thanksgiving Friends!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Don't Wait!

Breath taking!

I took a moment to get this picture, just breath taking what is made for
our eyes daily! I've waited for so long for the love and understanding
our Father gives us unconditionally. I've stayed behind and kept myself,
my family unnoticed for so long I've (We) lost track of the most beautiful
sight in life.
Our father's love, guidance and faithfulness!
Deuteronomy 7:9
  Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed
Good. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a
thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love
on those who love him and obey his commands.
We got to where we questioned every store, restaurant and friend's.
We kept to ourselves because of being judge, for lies and we gave up
the fight. I (we) felt alone, no one to help us or guide us. Well friend's
not anymore!
We have a long road ahead I'm sure there will be hard times and the
devil is going to TRY to find a way in, it's NOT going to happen.
My family and I faced some hardships this past week, some people
who hurt us, took from us lied on us. We lost a job stress hit our family
hard this week and we didn't run. We STOOD up and pushed every
little negative thought, every little "maybe" or "what if" out of the way.
Romans 5:3-5
    We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and
trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
And endurance develops strength of character, and
character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we
know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us
the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
I'm not waiting for them fake people  (family nor friends) I'm not
basing my daily happenings on what they or "Stacie" thinks.
I'm praying! I'm praying for my daily guidance and my families.
I'm not avoiding church, stores or schools because someone else might
attend there. I'm not attending church for "them" I'm coming to
praise GOD.
Are you waiting dear friends? Stop waiting nothings coming! Nothing
will change it will become a known safe for you to hide and give in..
I'll tell you GOD is coming, I don't know about you friends I don't want to
stand in front  of God with excuses on way I didn't take the right path,
follow and obey God because people might make up some lie. I'm not
telling God I failed him because I let peoples lies live me!
I'm not waiting until it's to late no matter who attends what church or
who works in what store or who will judge me or my family, I'm
only willing to let the almighty God judge me I'm opening my eye's to
his beauty! Amen!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm Starting New!

There's so much more!

  As I stood here embracing this gorgeous view with my husband, I wanted more!
I didn't want more money or more materialistic thing's, I want more life view's like
this one, God's made beauty! I'm changing my view on life, I'm going to view the
world through both eye's I need to see the beauty in life.

I'm so quick to notice the bad in life, to question the good because it is not normal
in life theses day's. I want to let God guide what is worth seeing, I want to view the
world through God's eye's.

I know the world is not a perfect one and I'm aware there will bad storm's to come
my way. I pray that I will know what to take from theses storms and gain wisdom
from my life's adventures.

Today I woke up with a new sense, a new goal and a new life outlook!
God has placed it on my heart to start new, new blog, new friend's and to
tell the truth I'm scared to start new. What if I somehow fail him? or myself?

I'm a child of God, I will mess up and take on more then I can handle this is when I
know I can give it to Jesus Christ. I can lay my fear down because my heavenly father
with see me through this new start, he will guide me and help me grow.

Have you been feeling like you need a new outlook a change? Are you scared to lose
what you've worked so hard building? Lean on Jesus he will guide you through
you will gain so much sweet friend's, we are loved and (He) could never fail us...

 Thanks sweet friend's!